The Adventure of "The Vegan Elephant"

2016: The Awareness
A dietician passionate about nutrition decides to change course. After becoming vegan, she realizes that her traditional consultations in Paris are no longer in line with her beliefs. She then turns to plant-based nutrition, a field that was still little explored at the time, and decides to train in it with determination.

2017: The Big Turn
Fascinated by cooking, and more specifically by baking, she set herself a bold challenge: to create a brand of vegan cookies, from the design of the recipes to the creation of the packaging designs. She decided to do everything herself, putting her creative and culinary talents into practice. The project took shape, and each day brought her a little closer to her dream.

Early 2018: First Steps in a Shared Kitchen
With the overflowing enthusiasm of a new project, she launches into production. Bags of flour, jars of coconut oil, and molds in hand, she invests in a shared kitchen in the suburbs of Paris. There, between the ovens and the worktops, she puts her recipes into practice and makes cookies that are both delicious and respectful of her values.


This is where our first cookies were born! This shared kitchen in the Parisian suburbs of Palaiseau allowed us to start production without having a dedicated kitchen yet.

End of 2018: The First Sale
Less than a year after the idea was born, it was a success! The first box of cookies was sold, and it was an immediate success. Customers were won over, and the feedback exceeded all expectations. But soon, the limits of the shared kitchen were felt. Demand exploded, and it became necessary to find a more suitable production space.

2020: A New Momentum
An opportunity presents itself: a room to renovate becomes her new professional kitchen. With this space, production becomes more fluid, more organized. She can now diversify her offer, proposing new cookie flavors, other fine biscuits, and even an aperitif range.


And here is our professional kitchen where the magic happens! In the heart of the Loire Valley castles region, it is in Mont-près-Chambord that we carry out all our production.

2022: Success is on the horizon
"The Vegan Elephant" cookies have found their place in two Biocoop stores in Loir-et-Cher, near the kitchen where it all began. But the adventure doesn't stop there. The brand is becoming known beyond its borders: associations in vegan product boxes, donations for ecology conferences in Germany, and even orders for the Warner Bros offices in Los Angeles. "The Vegan Elephant" cookies are now being enjoyed everywhere!

Today and Tomorrow: The Adventure Continues
Building on this success, the designer continues to innovate, driven by passion and commitment. The story of "The Vegan Elephant" is only just beginning, and new pages remain to be written...